Your Downloads folder is the default location for browser file downloads. Learn how this relates to the Downloads folder in the Dock and the Download icon in Safari. If you don't maintain your Downloads folder it will eventually become filled with files taking up lots of space on your drive.
Professional free teleprompter software available for online and offline use. Download apple bootcamp drivers for windows 10. Imaginary Teleprompter is easy to use, and runs on a wide variety of computers. We created it to promote the democratization of media by enabling more people to produce quality contents at low cost, and to promote the adoption of free software solutions by the. Joan: Do you mean at the top of Safari? Either way, the list appears when you click, and goes away when you select a file. If you want a list that stays open, just open a Finder window showing your Downloads folder.
Check out How To Maintain Your Downloads Folder On a Mac at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.